The proposed project provides an effective solution to the most widely addressed concern, about the safety of school students. It is one of the most worrying concern among the individuals where a lot of students are being kidnapped, inability to track the bus real-time, monitoring the location of the bus when there are only less number of students in the bus etc. Even it will effectively provide solution to find out the best possible route to reach all the pickup/drop points efficiently.
This project solves exactly this problem where the system continuously monitors the longitude/latitude of the system real-time and sends a text message to all the users for monitoring purposes. Upon receiving the sms, the user can use the google map to track the bus movements.
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The project also provides other effective solution like tracking the total distance travelled by the bus on the given duration by routing and scheduling process. It can also provide valuable insights like the number of stops where the students are being picked up, time it takes to arrive at a particular destination and even the number of students that is left on the bus currently. This enhances the operational efficiency and reduces the cost significantly.
This particular GPS and GSM based tracking device is a compact device that merges both GPS & GSM to facilitate the real-time tracking and monitoring. It come with a single piece hardware and easier installation is among the other advantages of using this.
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GPS – Global Positioning System is generally used to determine the location of a vehicle or a person from a remote location. These GPS modules are generally used to provide the location, position and navigation services to the users from anywhere on earth. There are about 24 to 32 satellites which facilitates the seamless working of GPS.
The main application for the GPS involves mapping, tracking and surveillance. The GPS module calculates the position of any user, by recognizing the signals that are transmitted by the satellites. GPS receiver calculates the distance to each satellite and the raw data is converted to latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and time.
The proposed project can then be further modified by mounting a wireless camera onto the system which then can be used to monitor the activity happening within the bus by any remote user
To achieve more accuracy, GPS + GLONASS module can be used. This combination provides accuracy of the system to less than 1m.
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