In this alarm clock project, we will learn how to make an alarm clock radio. It will display some basic features that we find in the clock like time, date and also it will function as a radio. The project is not very complicated and is very simple to make. You just have to assemble things. The clock will display the real-time and it will use an RTC IC DS1307. It works on the I2C protocol.
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We will build a real-time clock which means that it can also run after power failure. If there is any power failure and after sometime when power is again connected the clock will show the real-time. These types of clocks are mainly used in offices, computers, electronics devices which regularly update real-time.
Project description
DS 1307 RTC Module: It is a real-time clock module which is used for calendars and clocks. Hour clock will show the time as minutes, hours, seconds. Our calendar will perform date, year, month. It will indicate am-pm and 24 hours format.
16×2 LCD: It is used for displaying the time and buttons. It will also be connected to 4-bit mode.
Buzzer: We will also use buzzers for alarm purposes. It will show the alarm indication and when the alarm will be activated, it will beep.
Project implementation
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Project working
For the alarm time adjustment.
Programming language used: Arduino programming
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