A cell phone jammer is a device that is used for transmitting signals. It disables all the mobile signals in a particular area. This instrument also protects cell phones from signals. The same frequency signals were broadcasted by this device through GSM. When we enable it in some areas, all the signals get disabled and then we can say it as a successful mobile jammer. It works by transmitting the signal from the station and mobile phone. It also creates an interface for communication. It is generally used for transmitting the signal of CDMA, 3G, GSM.
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Project description
We will require a power supply to give power to the sections and it will require some components like
Transformer & regulator: Its use is for transforming 220 volt AC to a different voltage. The regulator is required for the DC supply.
Rectifiers: This process is used in converting AC voltage to DC and it will require two processes. One is full-wave rectification and the other is half-wave rectification.
Filter: We will use capacitors for decreasing ripples. Its work is to remove the noises so that we can have a stable DC voltage. It is also used for full-wave rectifier output.
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IF sections: It is a triangular generator. It contains some sections like a mixer, a noise generator, and a triangular wave generator.
RF section: It is an important component and heart of our jammer project. The output that we will get from the section will directly interact with the phone. It contains some sections like an antenna, voltage controlled oscillator and power amplifier.
Project implementation
Project working
It works by transmitting the radio frequency. Denial of service attack when our phone and phone tower cannot communicate with each other. When there is a cell phone jammer towers were unable to make contact with cell phones and they do not get the visibility of the network. Many types of chambers are there like an explosion-proof mobile jammer, remote control mobile jammer, portable mobile jammer, police and military mobile jammer, etc.
Mobile jammer is used for purposes like maintaining silence and some military issues and police cases. Sometimes it is used in the library and classrooms so that silence will be there. It is also used to avoid any kind of disturbance in seminar halls and meeting rooms.
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