Today’s developing Technologies to reduce the risk of man life and the efficient of the machine in high accuracy, not in the manufacturing industries development and daily life the technology is improved.
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3. Robotic Arm
5. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
6. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
12. Automated Railway Crossing
15. Health Monitoring Wearable
One of the highly developing industries is automobiles industries, every year industries industries introducing the new products and design of automobiles. But some disadvantages is there in a new product, to compensate that new version is launched. Otherwise that time period materials insufficient of technologies overcome. When the time need is required the solution is find out and these project is implemented, normally the load carriage vehicle having the only one tray of lifting system is in back so it can lift up and down by using the pneumatic system is used to lift in one side.
So the load on the vehicle is draws in one direction otherwise it too difficult and need the man power unload the materials in such condition. Here the back of the vehicle is fitted with motors in the body is attached with the spur and worm gear.
By using the gear attachment the whole body tray is rotated 270 degree in direction and the lifting system is that pneumatic cylinder is used.
The forward, reverse of the vehicle tray is controlled by the electronics (i.e. Microcontroller) is used. The Pneumatic cylinder is controlled by using the solenoid values to maintain the opening air into pneumatic cylinder and on the cylinder there is release valve is used to adjust the lifting speed of the tray body of the vehicle.
The Project consist of the Microcontroller 8051(i.e. AT89S52),Relay(Normally closed type Relay),DC Motor, Solenoid Valve, Spur and Worm gears, Pneumatic Cylinder, Keypads.
The Microcontroller is act as the brain so the instruction or programs is done on the IC. The Relay is connected to the microcontroller, keypad consist of the forward, reverse and Up and Down, Stop. Whenever the forward button is pressed the controller identifies the button so from the relay board the supply is given to the motor it rotates in forward direction.
The Dc Motor is attached to the Spur and worm .The worm is initially attached to the shaft of the motor so the shaft rotates the worm rotates now spur is little bit tightly attached with worm, worm rotates means the spur is rotates, the upper is attaches with supporting beam and the ball is rotates to forward, while in reverse is supply is reversed by the another relay, now it in reverse rotation.
There is separate relay is provided for the Solenoid valve when the UP button is pressed the relay is tripped. The solenoid type is 12v DC or 230v AC either can be used. From the solenoid valve only the tripping the lifting system is happen. The lifting is in certain high the rotation the body tray can be any direction is required.
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Future Scope: Can be used in the load vehicles (i.e. Lorries etc.)
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