Our daily activities can be performed very easily nowadays by automation. This automation project is a system by which we can control our home appliances with the help of a PC. The systems are more accurate and reliable than manual systems. It is an electronics and communication project based on wireless technology. The project will use radio frequencies and Arduino UNO by which we will be able to control the circuit. The project aims to connect our devices to the computer for automation purposes.
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For this connectivity, our basic requirement will be some wireless connectivity or USB. We will connect various appliances like a fan by the graphical user interface which will help us in commanding purposes. You will also need some involvement in location for controlling the hardware and software.
Project Description:
The project will require two circuits. One is Arduino and we need to connect it to our PC. The second circuit is a radio frequency receiver which will be on the relay circuit through home appliances. We may also require 15-watt bulbs for some demonstration. We need to connect Arduino with components like-
LCD - With the help of LCD will be able to know about the automation system. It will display all the appliance’s data whether they are on or off.
Radiofrequency transmitter- Its requirement is for transmitting data to the receiver. it will have 8 pins like supply voltage, ground pin, etc.
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Relays- We will use the relay module which will be of 12 volts and 2 amperes by which we can turn on or off the appliances. We will connect it with data pins through circuits. The appliances were also connected to the relays for the purpose of on and off.
HT12d decoder- Its work is to decoding the code in binary language. It is used for separating some addresses and data. This decoder can decode 12 bits of data.
Personal computer (PC)- We will need a PC for running applications and the application is REALTERM. It is basically a software air by which we can send serial data through a laptop or computer.
Project Implementation
Programming language used- Arduino programming
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