Candles are being used for light from ancient times. Before the invention of the light bulb, candles are being used for the light. They have been in use from ancient time. In recent times they are used in churches. Our project depends on electronic candles. Ordinary candles melt very fast and the place where they are used gets nasty. In this electronic candle project, we will make an electric candle with the help of an LED. It will be capable of turn on automatically during darkness and also shut down when they find some light.
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Project description
LM358 IC: It is the brain of our circuit. It is an amplifier which can have a voltage of 3.3 volts to 32 volts. They are used in simple circuits and waveshapers. In this project, we will need it as a voltage comparator. It will compare the voltages and find the greater one. After that it will maintain the outputs depends on whether they are high or low.
LDR: Light-dependent resistor is the sensory organ of our project. It is a photoresistor and helps us in decreasing the resistance when there is a high intensity of light.
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LED: Our circuit will require LED. It is a diode that can work in a forward direction. We will connect it to a resistor. It will produce light for the candle. We will also require 10k pot, 12-volt female power Jack and resistor for basic purposes.
Project implementation
How does it work?
After making the circuit we will connect the adaptor to the female Jack. LED should be lightened. After that, we will adjust the 10k pot to the level where the LED gets off. Then, you need to cover the LDR and you can see that in the dark your LED turns on. Our smart candle works with the intensity of light. On the dark side, LDR increase with the increase in light. Resistance gets low and also the non-inverting signal gets low compared to the inverting terminal due to our 10k pot. Power output voltage becomes low and the LED does not light up. During the darkness resistance increase which is very high if we compared to 10k pot so LED gets light.
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