Computer Vision

Detection of Asthma Trigger using Zigbee

This project focuses on the development of a system which will collect the data periodic wise from different sensors. For this system, the PIC microcontroller

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and different sensors are used for gathering information the aim should be to provide a detection system at an early point of time that can save lives. Asthma, a chronic health condition prevalent in children can be characterized by breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. An asthma attack can be triggered by a variety of factors including environmental conditions, intense physical activity, humidity, and dust. Asthma is not just a public health problem for developed countries. In developing countries, however, the incidence of the disease varies greatly. There is no cure for asthma. Symptoms can be prevented by monitoring factors which can trigger an asthma attack. So it is very much needed that there should be a system which can monitor air parameter on regular basis and warn the patient when these factors can trigger their asthma attack. This system permits to establish correlations between the air quality parameters and the appearance of respiratory diseases such as asthma as part of environmental medicine approach. After being processed the information and, depending on the results obtained, the system will display the messages if their range is beyond the required limit.

Project Requirements:

    We will require various electronics:

  • System Architecture: this monitoring system will be designed around a PIC microcontroller for gathering sending and receiving info from different sensors and external servers. The aim of the architecture design is to provide an easier access to information.
  • Hardware ArchitectureDesign should integrate many hardware modules like (PIC 184520 microcontroller, Temperature sensor, humidity sensor, and Gas sensor) using analog ports. The hardware unit should also be connected to a ZigBee modem using the RS-232 interface.
  • PIC18F4520: PIC microcontrollers can be programmed to carry out multiple tasks. These are programmed and simulated by Circuit Wizard software. PIC Microcontrollers are relatively cheap and can be bought as pre-built circuits or as kits that can be assembled.

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  • Temperature Sensor:The LM35 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be used to measure temperature with an electrical output proportional to the temperature (in Celsius) The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius temperature. LM35 doesn’t require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies.
  • Gas Sensor:Semiconductor sensors detect gases by a chemical reaction that takes place when the gas comes in direct contact with the sensor. Tin oxide is the most common material used in these kinds of sensors. MQ2 flammable gas sensor detects the combustible gases in the environment it can measure gases in the range of 300 to 10000 ppm and operates in the range of -20 to 50 degree Celsius and consumes 150mA at 5V.
  • ZigBee:ZigBee technology builds on IEEE standard 802.15.4 which defines the physical and MAC layers. Above this, ZigBee defines the application and security layer specifications enabling interoperability between products from different manufacturers. The data is transferred in packets. These have a maximum size of 128 bytes, allowing for a maximum payload of 104 bytes.

Project Implementation:

  1. Initialize ADC, LCD, Zigbee, Serial COM port and sensor module.
  2. Read the ADC value for the corresponding sensor.
  3. Convert the read ADC value to ASCII code to display on LCD.
  4. Display on LCD and send through serial Zigbee Module.
  5. on Receiver's end Initialize Zigbee to receive data.

  6. Set the Hyperterminal/Flash.

  7. Set the COM port.

  8. Display data on HyperTerminal/Flash.

Software Requirements:

  1. ZigBee: it is used to configure and connect all the components with each other and is a complete package for development of Microcontroller units.

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Kit required to develop Detection of Asthma Trigger using Zigbee:
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Detection of Asthma Trigger using Zigbee
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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