Machine Learning is a technology that gives computers the power to learn from their past mistakes and experiences. This approach is finding large-scale applications in many fields around the world. One of the most significant uses of this technology is in the medical field. Every year, diseases like diabetes and cancer take the lives of millions of people. What if there was some way we could predict the early onset of such diseases? What if there was some way we could understand we have the disease before it was too late? Well, doctors and medical researchers around the world are working together to build a big-data backed machine learning algorithm that will help with disease prediction. In this Machine Learning project, we are going to be looking at something similar- an application that will help us predict the occurrence of a disease based on patient history.
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3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
Project Description
Big data analysis in the field of biomedical engineering and medicine has led to an accurate study of medical data, and this has resulted in the early detection of diseases. However the system is far from perfect, as incomplete medical records, and lack of proper patient history makes it hard for the system to correctly analyze the disease pattern, affecting its overall efficiency. Also, the presence of regional diseases makes things more challenging as the algorithm has to take in several unique factors to be efficient at predicting diseases. In this project, we will try to build a system that correctly predicts the occurrence or probability of disease early on, so that the treatment can be started as soon as possible.
Concepts Used
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