A common problem faced by several newspaper agencies and content creators on the web is that of content forging or image forging. With so much new content hitting the web every single day, how do you make sure an image or news is real and not fake? How do you protect your work from being copied? Well, that’s a common problem for creators now, and something we will try to solve through this project. Here’s an Image Processing project that will help you detect forgery.
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3. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)
4. Computer Vision - Text Scanner
Project Description
The development of computers, the internet and image processing has led to an increase in digital image forgery. Since such images and infographics are important pools of data, forging them can have severe after-effects and repercussions. Over the past few years, several scientists and researchers have been working on ways to prevent such mishaps from happening. While there are several ways to tamper with a digital image, one of the most popular ways to do so is by the copy-move method, which essentially involves the pasting of image sections from other images to the image in question. During these operations, certain image processing methods such as rotation, scaling, blurring, and noise addition are applied to create more realistic duplicates. A novel forgery detection algorithm makes use of adaptive over-segmentation and feature extraction to detect imperfections in the image. This project will integrate both block-based and point-based techniques to detect the forgery.
Concepts Used
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