Matlab simulation on Wind Energy system

Wind energy is an efficient and emerging field of power generation since high power can be generated without many losses compared to other types of power generation. Wind energy is extracted from the blowing winds which hit the turbine blades causing them to rotate along their axis.

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And an added advantage of wind energy is its low cost for electricity generation and its pollution free and available 24 hours a day that makes it much more convenient to be used. In this project, we will try to design a MATLAB model of the wind turbine or wind energy system by making few assumptions which will simplify the problem enough to solve and give an output which will be close to real-time output.

All wind systems consist of a wind turbine, a tower, wiring, and the balance of system components: controllers, inverters, and or batteries. Home wind turbines consist of a rotor, a generator mounted on a frame, and a tail. Through the spinning of turbine blades, the rotor captures the kinetic energy of the wind and converts it into rotary motion to drive the generator. Rotors can have two or three blades and the common wind system is using three blades type. The best indication of how much energy a turbine will produce is the diameter of the rotor, which determines its swept area or the quantity of wind cut by the turbine. The frame is the strong central axis bar onto which the rotor, generator, and tail are attached. The tail keeps the turbine facing into the wind.

Project Requirements:

The project will require a basic knowledge of the working of wind energy systems and a basic knowledge of mathematical modeling which will be very useful for the project. We will be making some assumptions as listed below:

  • Friction is neglected.
  • Wind flow of the system is considered as Stationary.

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  • Constant Shear free wind flow is considered over the surface.
  • Rotational free flow and incompressible flow.

Project Implementation:

First thing first we have to generate mathematical equations which will facilitate in solving the problem:

  1. We can derive the maximum wind energy conversion from the theorical model which is independent of technical construction./li>
  2. The resulted medium power will be determined by the ratio of kinetic energy and the unit of time.
  3. Determine the mean air volume transferred /unit time the final step will be to determine the maximum theoretical efficiency of wind power.
  4. Once all the calculations are done all mathematical equations are generated we will start with modeling of the wind turbine.
  5. The wind system model consists of three Simulink blocks: i.e. Wind model block, the wind generator model and energy conversion modules.
  6. The wind model block will implement model of air mass flow.
  7. The wind energy generator model will have parameters related to electric power equation which is decided under assumptions of wind generator electrical and mechanical part efficiency.
  8. The resulted MATLAB model for the wind generator’s output will be processed by an energy conversion block implemented with a PWM IGBT inverter block.
  9. Once, all this is done out simulate the code which should act as a wind energy system.

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Software requirements:

  1. Matlab/Simulink:software that is used to create the mathemical model and perform the simulation of the Wind Energy System.
Kit required to develop Matlab simulation on Wind Energy system:
Technologies you will learn by working on Matlab simulation on Wind Energy system:
Matlab simulation on Wind Energy system
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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