Machine Learning

Detecting Suicidal Tendency using ML

The ever-increasing suicide rate is alarming. Experts are trying to understand the various reasons for suicide. From college going students to CEO of MNCs, there are a lot of cases. By doing this project you will try to save some lives by detecting suicidal tendencies.

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Detecting Suicidal Tendency using ML project Looking to build projects on Machine Learning?:

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Nowadays, the smartphone has become the best friend. Every individual has a pattern of using their phones. You will use machine learning to detect that pattern. An individual with suicidal tendency will deviate from the usual pattern.

You will create the algorithm to find such deviations in the pattern. Once the deviation is found, the system will send a message to the victim’s parents or hospital. To achieve this, you will use TensorFlow framework.

Project Description:

Tensorflow: It is an open-source machine learning framework. You will create algorithms to detect a pattern. The system will keep recording the daily activity. Based on that, it will try to detect the usage pattern of your smartphone.

Python: You will use Python as your programming language as it is easy to learn. It supports Tensoflow which makes it easy to create algorithms.

Project implementation:

  • Begin with rooting your smartphone. This will give you full access as a developer.
  • Download python and install Tensorflow on your PC/laptop.

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  • Install the other libraries such as numpy, matplotlib, etc.
  • Now create an algorithm that will detect the activity and store it. Store the time of usage of different apps and the content viewed.
  • For storing data you may use your own system or opt for a cloud service.
  • The data has to be analysed. For this, you will use Tensorflow. You will create machine learning algorithms for data analysis.
  • The system will try to find some pattern in the usage-based on data received.
  • Next, you have to create an algorithm to detect a deviation from the basic pattern. You have to specifically look for patterns that may lead to depression or stress. For example, over usage of phone in the night time, looking out for some dark content, etc.
  • There is no particular solution to this problem. Hence the machine has to learn from a vast amount of data.
  • Keep training the machine until it reaches an optimum result. Finally, it will be able to predict depression and suicidal tendency.

Programming Language: Python

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Kit required to develop Detecting Suicidal Tendency using ML:
Technologies you will learn by working on Detecting Suicidal Tendency using ML:
Detecting Suicidal Tendency
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2021-05-28

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