Vehicle Number Plate Recognition system is utilized at numerous spots like Petrol Pumps, Shopping Malls, Airports, parkways, toll corners, Hotels, Hospitals, Parking parcels, Defense and Military checkpoints, and so forth. The idea behind this the camera of this system framework catches an image of the vehicle tag and afterward, the image is prepared through multiple numbers of algorithms to give an alphanumeric transformation of the image into a text format. There are tons of ways approaches to construct this framework however here we are going to utilize python to code and machine learning to prepare the model.
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1. Movie Recommendation using ML
The primary concepts used in the Vehicle Number Plate Recognition System are:
License Plate Detection: It is at this phase that the position of the license plate is resolved. In this phase, we get the input image of the vehicle and the output as the license plate.
Character Segmentation: At this phase, the characters on the vehicle plate are mapped out and segmented into individual images.
Character Recognition: This is the last stage of the project and the characters prior to segmented are distinguished here. and we’ll be using machine learning for this.
Python as a Programming language: Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It allows programming in Object-Oriented and Procedural paradigms.
Machine learning: It is one the most powerful and emerging technologies; here we are going to use machine learning to improve the accuracy of the model and for the character acknowledgment perspective i.e. map a character image to its actual character.
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Project Implementation
Software Requirement
-Programming language - Python and Machine learning
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