It’s not always easy to pick the right movie to watch. Sometimes you're in the state of mind to see individuals begin to look all starry eyed at, or you need a motion picture to remind your connection with music, or you need to just watch characters to whom you relate or any emotion-based movie. Settling on this decision can't generally be understood by attempting to pick something dependent on genre. This is why we are going to create, a “Movie recommendation system based on emotion”, which enables us to choose movies based on how you want their viewing experience to make them feel.
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Project description
Web Scraping using Python
Web Scraping refers to access the HTML of the webpage and extract useful information and data from it. This method is also called web scratching or web reaping or web information extraction. Here in this task, we are going to utilize web scratching to separate information from the website page utilizing Python and BeautifulSoup. The scraper is written in Python and utilizations lxml for parsing the site pages.
Python lxml is the most feature-rich and simple to-utilize library for processing XML and HTML data. Python contents are composed to perform numerous errands like Web scraping or scratching and parsing XML.
It is a library of python which is utilized to pull the data from the web pages i.e HTML and XML files. It works with your preferred parser to give colloquial methods for exploring, looking and changing the parse tree.
Classify the emotions based and associated with the Genre of Movie
There are 8 classes of feeling that would be compelling to classification to the text. These are: ‘Anger’, ‘Expectation’, ‘Disgust’, ‘Fear’, ‘Bliss’, ‘Sad’, ‘Surprise’, ‘Trust’. Here these are taken as information and the relating motion pictures would be shown for the feeling.
The correspondence of each feeling with the class of films is recorded beneath:
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Based on the input emotion, the relating classification would be chosen and all the main 5 films of that kind would be prescribed to the client.
Project Implementation
Few essential steps for accomplishing the objective and step are:
Software Requirements
Programming Languages - BeautifulSoup and LXML
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