Latest Projects Based on Image Processing

The following projects are based on image processing. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using image processing.

1. Ball Tracking Robot Using Raspberry Pi

Ball Tracking Robot Using Raspberry Pi

The major drawback in today’s surveillance rests on the involvement of the human operators which can easily be distracted,so we need a system which can autonomously monitor regions continuously ,making decisions while identify unwanted or obnoxious things and respond accordingly.Object tracking using computer vision is crucial in achieving automated surveillance.

2. Smart mirror

Smart mirror

A Mirror is a part of every person’s life, everybody looks in the mirror every day and how would it be if you can display the weather details, the calendar, time and date, reminders, news and anything you need to see before you leave somewhere.

3. Wireless Surveillance using Rasberry Pi

Wireless Surveillance using Rasberry Pi

Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

4. Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Surveillance Monitoring using Android Phone

Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place through a web address or an Android app. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

5. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

There are surveillance CCTV and other home automated devices that can show you the live video and can take images you can use the same technology to monitor from a remote place and also to control the surveillanc edevice through your phone. you can do this by fixing the surveillance system on a robot and you can control the robot from your smartphone. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.

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6. Motion capture camera

Motion capture camera

Time lapse footages are made up of images of the same scene captured over a brief period of time. These footage’s usually consists of cities, landscapes, sky views, constructions, city traffic, sea shores, ocean photography etc. These sceneries usually change over a brief period of time, so capturing images at timer short intervals without any considerable scenery change leads to wastage of storage space.

7. Drink and drive detection with Ignition lock

Drink and drive detection with Ignition lock

Drink & drive is a leading cause of road accidents. Detecting drunk driving requires stopping vehicles and manually scanning drivers by using breath analyzers. Well, here this is a system which allows detecting drunk driving in the vehicle itself. The system uses an alcohol sensor with raspberry pi along with a GSM modem for SMS notification.

8. Image Processing based fire detection

Image Processing based fire detection

The main advantage of Image Processing Based Fire Detection System is the early warning benefit. This system can be installed just about anywhere in a commercial building, malls and at many more public places for fire detection. This system uses the camera for detecting fires. So we do not need any other sensors to detect fire. The system processes the camera input and then processor processes it to detect fires.

9. Develop a Number Plate Scanner using MATLAB

Develop a Number Plate Scanner using MATLAB

In the world of Automation and Artificial Intelligence the image processing is also taking a lead to support these technologies by providing a better picture of the things,

10. Health Monitoring Drone

Health Monitoring Drone

Heartbeat sensing without some physical connection utilizing signal and image processing is one of the best techniques. This drone project gives an effective way for remotely estimating heart rate and respiratory rate from video recorded by a flying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Image-processing systems connected with particularly designed algorithms support drones to detect changes in people at once, while people are moving. 

11. Optical Character Recognition(OCR)

Optical Character Recognition(OCR)

There is so much data in the world around us since humans started using computers and other digital media in an unprecedented way. This leads to a large volume of digital information which must be processed in the right way to be read and interpreted by machines.

12. Image Enhancement using JAVA

Image Enhancement using JAVA

Are you an engineer looking for some inspiring projects? If so, then you came to the right place! Projects not only help you explore concepts you have studied earlier but allow students to really gain hands-on experience working with real-life problems. The most exceptional skill an engineer can have is the skill to analyze issues and find practical solutions.

13. Smart gesture control for mobile phone using machine learning

Smart gesture control for mobile phone using machine learning

It is safe to say that we are a mobile generation. It is hard to find anyone nowadays who doesn’t have a smartphone. It has become so common that a few years ago, the number of people who access the internet on their phones, eclipsed the number of people who do so on their desktops. That is the pace with which we have imbibed and accepted smartphones. As technology develops, we are getting smarter and more intelligent devices, which seem to know exactly what we want. One such trend that quickly caught on is that of smart gestures that tell the device what to do. In this Image Processing project, we will be taking a look at an application that allows a device to read and understand smart gestures.

14. Image Processing based ball tracking robot

Image Processing based ball tracking robot

One of the biggest problems that the field of surveillance faces is that it still involves humans. With technology replacing most humans when it comes to menial jobs, this is one field that is about to undergo major changes in the years to come. The change has already been set in motion, with several large corporations now relying on motion-detecting cameras to ensure the safety and security of their office spaces and employees. Object tracking is what makes motion-detecting sensors and surveillance cameras possible. But this same technology has another more playful side to it. In this image processing project, we will build a ball tracing and following the robot, which will monitor the motion of a ball and then follow it.

15. Emotion recognition using image processing

Emotion recognition using image processing

People often say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. Humans have an innate ability to express themselves using just their faces. Whatever the emotion may be, the human face can express the right emotion and get the message across efficiently. That is why body language and facial reading are important skills when it comes to understanding a person. So, what if computers were able to do that as well? What if computers could look at your face and understand exactly how you feel? Well, this is already happening on a small scale, and this project will help you understand how that happens. In this Image Processing project, we will be looking at an application that recognizes emotions using facial recognition and analysis.

16. Computer vision based self-recharging robot

Computer vision based self-recharging robot

Computer vision is one of the leading technologies which is undergoing a lot of revision, and there is a lot of research happening in this field as well. It essentially gives computers, devices and other machines the ability to see and perceive images. From a pure engineering point of view, technology such as

17. Disease Prediction using Image Processing

Disease Prediction using Image Processing

Machine Learning is a technology that gives computers the power to learn from their past mistakes and experiences. This approach is finding large-scale applications in many fields around the world. One of the most significant uses of this technology is in the medical field. Every year, diseases like diabetes and cancer take the lives of millions of people. What if there was some way we could predict the early onset of such diseases? What if there was some way we could understand we have the disease before it was too late? Well, doctors and medical researchers around the world are working together to build a big-data backed machine learning algorithm that will help with disease prediction. In this Machine Learning project, we are going to be looking at something similar- an application that will help us predict the occurrence of a disease based on patient history.

18. Forgery detection using Image Processing

Forgery detection using Image Processing

A common problem faced by several newspaper agencies and content creators on the web is that of content forging or image forging. With so much new content hitting the web every single day, how do you make sure an image or news is real and not fake? How do you protect your work from being copied? Well, that’s a common problem for creators now, and something we will try to solve through this project. Here’s an Image Processing project that will help you detect forgery.

19. Invisible Cloak using Open CV and Python

Invisible Cloak using Open CV and Python

We all have seen the famous “Harry Potter Invisible cloak” in the harry potter movie and if you are a fan of Harry Potter movies simply like me, then you must know that Harry Potter uses an invisible cloak to become invisible.

20. Currency Recognition System using Image Processing

Currency Recognition System using Image Processing

It is puzzling for individuals to perceive each currency from various nations. Furthermore, past perceiving the currency note, we additionally need to perceive the genuine and fake currency notes that are available in the market. To determine this sort of issue we have a Currency Recognition System. It distinguishes the currency notes and the variety among genuine and counterfeit currency notes. Our present framework is taking a shot at image processing, methods that incorporate image filtering, edge identification, segmentation and a database for putting away the qualities of the currency note.

21. Cartooning an Image using Open CV

Cartooning an Image using Open CV

Cartooning a digital image sounds a very interesting, fun and easy project to work on. So as to achieve an animation picture from a digital image, we only need some bilateral filter and edge detection mechanism. These bilateral filters will assist us with reducing the color or shading palette of the image, which is an important step for the animation look, and edge detection are used to get a perfect bold silhouette.

22. Automatic Signature detection using image processing

Automatic Signature detection using image processing

The way that the signature is broadly utilized as a method for individual distinguishing proof apparatus for people necessitates. Confirmation of signature can be performed either Offline or Online dependent on the application. Anyway, human signatures can be dealt with an image and perceived utilizing computer vision and neural network methods. Signature verification and recognition is an innovation that can improve security in our everyday exchanges held in the public arena. This system is reasonable for different applications, for example, bank exchanges, travel papers with great confirmation results, and so on.

23. Develop an Audio Sign Language Translator Using ML

Develop an Audio Sign Language Translator Using ML

Communication via gestures is a visual language that is utilized by hard of hearing and almost deaf individuals as their first language, it is additionally utilized by hearing people, for example, the individuals who experience difficulty with communicated in language because of an incapacity or condition individuals. To the extent a hard of hearing individual is concerned, approaching sign language communication is significant for their social, enthusiastic and semantic development. This framework is to help hearing-hindered individuals in India cooperate with others as it makes an interpretation of English text to Sign language.

24. Vehicle Number Plate detection using Image processing and Machine Learning techniques

Vehicle Number Plate detection using Image processing and Machine Learning techniques

Vehicle Number Plate Recognition system is utilized at numerous spots like Petrol Pumps, Shopping Malls, Airports, parkways, toll corners, Hotels, Hospitals, Parking parcels, Defense and Military checkpoints, and so forth. The idea behind this the camera of this system framework catches an image of the vehicle tag and afterward, the image is prepared through multiple numbers of algorithms to give an alphanumeric transformation of the image into a text format. There are tons of ways approaches to construct this framework however here we are going to utilize python to code and machine learning to prepare the model.

25. Age Prediction using Image Processing

Age Prediction using Image Processing

In the film industry due to the usage of many cosmetics and modern beauty products, an older person seems like a young one. By looking at their faces we cannot easily predict their original age. But don’t worry, Python has a solution for it.

In this project, we are going to develop a system that can detect the face of an actor and predict the age. 

26. Color detection

Color detection

Color detection is used to identify the name of any color. Well, it is easy for us to identify the color name but for the computer machine, it is quite difficult. For the living organisms, the light receptors in the eye collect the light signals reflected from the objects and then convert it into electric signals. The signals are then sent to the brain to decode it and then identify it. Our brain has collected the color names throughout our life and hence we can name it quite easily. For this project, we will implement it through python language. As the study will be based on the study of huge database files so we need to download the data file which contains the name of colors and its values.

27. Gender and Age Detection using OpenCV

Gender and Age Detection using OpenCV

This python project enables us to determine the gender and age of the people. Computer vision will help us to study the pattern and provides the result. But the views of computer limit itself to study the high-definition characteristics of human beings. The whole project is based on object recognition, video tracking, motion estimation, and image restoration. In this python project, we will use deep learning to identify the gender and age of the person.

28. Driver Drowsiness detection using Python

Driver Drowsiness detection using Python

This is a python project which will enable us to detect the drowsiness of the driver while he/she is driving a vehicle. The driver expressions are detected and then the dataset is compared to give the desired output on a particular scale. There are a lot of drivers and they all feel lazy or sleepy some times which could lead to fatal accidents. To reduce these accidents, a system should be developed which can identify the expressions of the driver and then alert the person in advance. This could save a lot of lives. This project will be helpful in that case.

29. Plant disease detection using image processing (MATLAB)

Plant disease detection using image processing (MATLAB)

Nowadays plants are suffering many diseases due to widespread use of pesticides and sprays but identifying rotten areas of plants in the early stage can save plants. Examination of plants disease literally means examining various observable pattern on plants. Manually detecting disease in plants can be a tiresome process, hence image processing can do wonders in this context. Plant disease can be seen in different parts like in stem, root, shoot and even in fruit. Detection of plant disease by the automatic way not only reduces time but also it is able to save the plant from the disease in the beginning stage itself. We use different image processing techniques to predict the problem in plants.

30. Car model recognition using Image Processing

Car model recognition using Image Processing

Advancement in image processing, machine learning, and automation had led to the improvement of the intelligent transport system and this intelligent transportation system helps us to get more information and make things easy for us. An example of that this project. In this project, we will be using image processing techniques and will try to find the car maker and model number from a CCTV video or an image, etc… not only car you can use the same method to train the system using any image and get the results according to the user requirements.

31. Checking driver behavior with Raspberry Pi

Checking driver behavior with Raspberry Pi

Road accidents are one of the most common accidents that occur frequently in the world. Due to these accidents, many people are losing their lives and several people become handicapped. There are many reasons for the occurring of accidents and one of those is the drowsiness of the driver. This will majorly occur with lorry drivers as they will be driving for long distances and the rest is taken them will be less and leading to drowsiness and occurrence of the accidents.

32. Dimension Estimation using Image Processing

Dimension Estimation using Image Processing

Technology advancement has changed many things and also made the life of an individual easy. The whole world is running over the internet and machines due to which any work is been completing with more precision and less time. Many technologies are used today some of them are like machine learning, automation, image processing, artificial intelligence and many more… 

33. Typing Robot

Typing Robot

To learn machine learning and artificial intelligence you need to have good skills in Computer vision and image processing. Machine learning is one of the trending technology which makes the world easy by training the machines and this machine learning blends well with robotics. For example, if you want a robot to pluck an apple from the tree, you need to train it using machine learning, give it a camera for object recognition and some training. And once you can train and make this robot it becomes easy to make a robot that will perform surgeries and more complex robotic projects.

34. Traffic recognition using python

Traffic recognition using python

Firstly, let me tell you a bit about the Traffic sign Recognition system. It is the procedure of naturally perceiving traffic signs along the street, including speed limit signs, caution signs, blend signs, and so forth. Being able to automatically recognize traffic signs empowers us to construct “smarter cars”. Traffic signs are a vital piece of our street and road infrastructure. They give basic data/info, at times convincing suggestions, for street clients, which expects them to change their driving conduct to ensure they stick to whatever street guideline at present authorized. Without such valuable signs, we would in all likelihood be confronted with more mishaps, as drivers would not be given basic input on how quickly they could securely go, or educated about street works, sharp turn, or school intersections ahead. Millions of people die on roads each year and this number would be a lot higher without our street signs. Normally, autonomous vehicles must also abide by road legislation and in this way perceive and comprehend traffic signs. And a project like this system can be pretty useful for the driver and to avoid any kind of mishappening and can have a safe and healthy drive. Generally, vision strategies were utilized to identify and order traffic signs. And I think we need this kind of implementation in this modern age.

35. Automatic mobile balance recharge system

Automatic mobile balance recharge system


These days close about each man utilizes a mobile phone and recharging these mobile phones is a significant errand. We are attempting to accomplish an automatic mobile recharger machine which gives 24-hour services without interference or need of man. In our day to day life, we are recharging our mobile phone physically, that is the reason we ought to go to their shop/organizations, likewise, these sorts of simple recharges are not accessible every time, additionally on long roots or Expressways.

36. Detection of Underground broken pipes

Detection of Underground broken pipes

Underground pipelines are the country’s one of the largest investment. The use of these underground pipelines are mainly for the water supply and also for sewage purpose. But the condition of these pipelines is generally unknown unless some type of failure occurs. Billions of dollars have been spent in North America for the maintenance of the underground sewage system. But the condition of these pipelines is continuous decline due to the ill maintenance and also due to the chemicals present in the wastewater react with the pipes and make the things even worse.   

37. Soil Classification using Image Processing

Soil Classification using Image Processing

Classifying soil is in great demand as it helps to investigate the site and provides relevant knowledge about the materials that support construction there. Soils are classified based on different properties, it can be on the basis of location and on the basis of the size of particles in it. We can classify soil here on the basis of location and texture. Due to the rise in inflation hiring skilled labours and workers incur high cost. Conventional method of soil classification like pressure meter test, vane shear test are somewhat time- consuming and tricky as well. There is a dire need of automation in this field as well so we in this project illustrate about the usage of image processing techniques for classifying soil.

38. Blood Group detection using Image processing

Blood Group detection using Image processing

Hospitals need blood for saving patients life and knowing blood type during an emergency situation can save the life of the patient before any mishappening. Technology is becoming so advanced these days for stop happening of human errors, technology has developed image processing method for detecting blood group. This method basically eliminates transfusions. We have basically ABO blood typing system. The types of blood groups are Type A, Type B, Type O and Type AB.

39. Computer vision based text scanner

Computer vision based text scanner

The OCR or optical character reader works in such a way that it detects the text in an image and displays it on the screen. Well, it's not that tough to build a character reader for ourselves. The text scanner works on some algorithm to portray the result. The step-by-step objectives of the project are as follows: -

40. Cancer detection using image processing

Cancer detection using image processing

In this modern time, people are more dependent on machines than manual work. We in our daily lives we are surrounded by machines that provide us comfort or makes our work easier. Not only us even doctors used machines diagnosis and in case of surgeries. Machinery work has become an important part of our lives. Even in work, multiple manual works is being done by a machine. Even the scientist have developed a lot of machines for scanning the human body so that diseases can be treated in a more appropriate manner. As in the medical field, cancer is considered as the ultimate threat so prevention of it is a prime effort for all the people. So, python has created a platform which helps to detect cancer of a person. This project has been created keeping in mind that the early one can detect the most chances he/she has for the cure.

41. Develop A Sixth Sense Robot With Arduino

Develop A Sixth Sense Robot With Arduino

Robots are the topic of innovation and experimentation, which is evolving day by day. Robots with special features have been contributing to human society a lot. Everyday improvement in the field of technology leads to the birth of smart robots which can act like humans. Similar is the sixth sense robot as it can understand real-world situations and act accordingly. It can identify the hand gestures from us and can interact with us.

42. Getting started with image processing MATLAB

Getting started with image processing MATLAB


Image processing is a technique by which we can manipulate the image taken by some camera. For example, the camera on your phone is able to tell your age and gender. This is all due to image processing applications. MATLAB gives an environment which helps us to create such projects. In this project, we will learn how to implement this technique. Google lens is one such example where the camera is able to give the name of the object which you are pointing at.

Image processing consists of a lot of applications such as Face recognition, object detection, code scanners, and many more. Image processing using the MATLAB can be done using two ways such as Editor Window or GUI. The code is entered in the MATLAB window editor and that code can be downloaded from the internet easily. The GUI gives a whole interface to work on the project.

43. Vehicle counting for traffic management using MATLAB

Vehicle counting for traffic management using MATLAB

As we tend to all understand India could be a developing country. Increase in automobile sector comes with the event of development paralleled. This has led to widening in personal vehicles which cause a rise in congestion in large cities. So, we have a great need for a suitable traffic management system. This MATLAB project is all about to establish a program to make a traffic management system which is ready to detect live traffic flows are available in present traffic scenario in a lane. The system is to use already installed cameras in road networks with none additional controlled devices. It uses a strong division algorithm that discovers foreground pixels to cherish surrounding transport.

44. Pedestrian detection using MATLAB

Pedestrian detection using MATLAB

The main purpose of this MATLAB project is to identify the Pedestrians on the road. Since it is somehow difficult to identify the pedestrians during day and nights. This helps us to find a solution. By using Matlab software the project is handled. Implementation of this project brought to bring a driverless car. Developing this project makes more importance in the driverless car where it detects the pedestrians and counter the car. Nowadays this became more important in auto motives to improve the safety system.

45. Fingerprint recognition algorithm using phase-based image matching

Fingerprint recognition algorithm using phase-based image matching


The fingerprint recognition system is not new for any of us; we have seen it many times. The system which scans the image of the finger is largely dependent on the surface of the fingers. Fingertips skin can get smoothen through time or moist which can produce hindrance in recognizing the pattern. Addressing 2D picture of the fingerprint is quite difficult so we will need some procedure to adhere to this problem. 

46. Surveillance Robot

Surveillance Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own surveillance robot that uses Raspberry Pi as a microcontroller and transmits live video footage over the internet. You will also program the robot to get instructions from a user at a remote location.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

47. Computer Vision - Text Scanner

Computer Vision - Text Scanner

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based text scanner that can scan any text from an image using the optical character recognition algorithm and display the text on your screen.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

48. Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

Computer Vision Based Smart Selfie

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based smart selfie that can take snaps automatically when you smile using facial feature recognition algorithm and store it on your device.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

49. Computer Vision Based Mouse

Computer Vision Based Mouse

In this project-based course, you will learn to develop a computer vision-based mouse to control the cursor using the object tracking algorithm. Using this project, you can carry out all the functionalities of a mouse by just showing corresponding colors in the webcam.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

50. Sixth Sense Robot

Sixth Sense Robot

In this project, you will learn to build your very own robot that uses Arduino as a microcontroller and can be controlled using image processing algorithms. You will use object tracking algorithm and colored object recognition algorithm to make the robot work.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

51. Surveillance Camera using IoT

Surveillance Camera using IoT

In this project, you will use Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized computer, as the brain and program it to transmit the video captured over the internet as live footage to your screen.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

52. 3 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

53. 2 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

2 Computer Vision Projects (Combo Course)

In this course, you will use Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized computer, as the brain and build 2 different projects based on computer vision technology.
You will develop the following projects, Surveillance camera using IoT and Surveillance robot.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

54. Robotics (Career Building Course)

Robotics (Career Building Course)

In this course, you will practically learn the concepts of Robotics from basics to advanced by building projects and develop the skills needed for an exciting career in Robotics. The course helps you to develop enough experience to apply for jobs or higher studies in Robotics with confidence.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

55. Computer Vision (Career Building Course)

Computer Vision (Career Building Course)

This project-based course involves you to build multiple Computer Vision projects and helps you develop a good understanding of Computer Vision practically.

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

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Latest Projects based on image processing
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2025-02-22

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