Drink & drive is a leading cause of road accidents. Detecting drunk driving requires stopping vehicles and manually scanning drivers by using breath analyzers. Well, here this is a system which allows detecting drunk driving in the vehicle itself. The system uses an alcohol sensor with raspberry pi along with a GSM modem for SMS notification.
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2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
8. Robotic Arm
11. Hexapod
12. Swarm Robotics
14. Mobile Robotics
15. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
17. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
23. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
24. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
32. Automated Railway Crossing
36. Health Monitoring Wearable
40. Smart Traffic Lighting System
Now the system constantly checks for driver alcohol content. The system first allows the user to configure admin numbers into the system. And if the system detects driver is drunk above permissible limit, the sensor inputs trigger the processor about the issue by providing respective voltage.
Now the system sends SMS notifications to both the registered users/authorities to inform about the issue. Also, the system stops the power supply to the ignition spark plug as engine locking of the vehicle. Thus the system detects and prevents drunk driving incidents automatically.
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Project Brief: Once you set up your project, the ignition system or the spark plug will not get power when the person is detected with alcohol.
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