Drowsiness is a huge problem for the drivers, especially for long-distance travelers. This has led to many accidents and deaths too, the drowsiness can be caused due to sleeping disorder, alcohol consumption, or if the driver did not have enough sleep. We cannot stop drowsiness if the driver is not physically active but we can alert the driver if he is drowsing off.
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In this system the driver will be monitored continuously whether he is awake or he is drowsing off, the Eye blink sensor monitors the driver’s eyes, when the driver starts having micro sleeps that is closing the eyes for about 2-3 seconds an alert is triggered to wake up the driver.
If the driver is not waking up then the system also prevents collision, there is an ultrasonic sensor fixed in front of the vehicle. The distance between the vehicle and the collision object is measured and if the distance is less, then the vehicle is stopped to avoid accidents. In worst cases there might be some accidents so the vehicle is also fixed with impact sensor and if there is any impact then the position of the vehicle can be sent to police, friend or a family member through the GPS and GSM modules.
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Project Brief: The main aim of the project is to avoid sleep of the driver so that there is no accident occuring, the driver is monitored continuously with his eye blinking, if he starts having micro sleeps then he is alerted with an alarm and even though after alerting if the driver did not respond then the vehicle is stoped. If there is any collision then the details like the location and the impact force is sent to the registered numbers through text message.
Programming language: Arduino programming (C++)
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