Automobile has great importance in our daily life. We utilize it to go to our workplace, travel all over the place, deliver goods. Speed is one of the important to consider while driving and the driver stress of the over-shift it also leads to the sudden accident. The Speed of the vehicle can be measured with help of speed limiter so the speed is controlled and also if the driver is tired or not can be checked.
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2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
8. Robotic Arm
11. Hexapod
12. Swarm Robotics
14. Mobile Robotics
15. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
17. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
23. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
24. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
32. Automated Railway Crossing
36. Health Monitoring Wearable
40. Smart Traffic Lighting System
The IR Sensor is used to detect the eye blinking. The eye blink is a sensor which is placed in front of the driver on the top. While in driving time the eye blink in normal means it checks when the eye close to particular second’s buzzer will be indicated to alert him to wake up.
The microcontroller plays the important role to control the whole operation in these concepts, the sensor feed the signal to the controller then the only buzzer is indicated.
The wavelength region which ranges from 0.75 to 3µm is known as the near-infrared regions. The region between 3 and 6µm is known as the mid-infrared and infrared radiation which has a wavelength greater higher than 6µm is known as far infrared. Infrared technology finds applications in many everyday products.
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