The problem of traffic jams and the recent rise in pollution increased the need for more public transport systems. The governments are also aware of it and newer public transport systems like metros are being started in most major cities around the globe. The public is also starting to act responsible and using these public transports and is contributing to a better tomorrow. But there are certain things which eventually decrease the number of people travelling in these modes of transport and these are long ques.
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2. Mechatronics (Career Building Course)
8. Robotic Arm
11. Hexapod
12. Swarm Robotics
14. Mobile Robotics
15. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
17. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
23. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
24. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
32. Automated Railway Crossing
36. Health Monitoring Wearable
40. Smart Traffic Lighting System
The ques for ticketing is the biggest concern faced by most passengers. With everyone busy in their schedule waiting for long to even get a ticket to their destination is a deal-breaker for anyone who opts for public transports. Many have even stopped using these modes just because they can't afford to waste their time waiting in ques. This RFID project is aiming to tackle this use by bringing in a smart solution. A smartcard system that employs RFID technology can be a great way to do it. Let us see how to effectively employ this and what all components are included in this. We are going to consider the case of metro trains, but this can be employed even in other public transport scenarios.
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Project implementation
RFID technology is used in various places from hotels to supermarkets. RFID scanning works fast and this fast response can considerably reduce the time required to finish ticketing. This can also avoid employing more people as ticketing clerks and let the users do it on their own using a display screen. Every user can get an RFID tag of their own to use for ticketing whenever they want. RFID readers will be placed in the metro station where they can scan and purchase tickets to their desired destination. The computer will automatically print the ticket instantly. Multiple RFID scanners can be placed in a single station so that multiple users can do the ticketing at the same time. We can also add options to check the balance and recharge from the station itself.
RFID scanners: RFID scanners can scan the tags which the users have in a blink of an eye. The user just needs to place the tag above the scanner to do this. Once scanned the RFID scanner will display the details on a display screen provided.
RFID tags: The RFD tags are pre-stored with unique codes and information about the user. These tags can be used in any scanner that can detect the unique code that the tag has.
Display and input: A display is important so the user can see what option to select. There should also be an input option so the user can select the destination he needs to travel to.
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