In the present technological revolution, power is very precious. So, we need to find out the causes of power loss and improve the power system. Due to industrialization the use of inductive load increases and hence the power system losses its efficiency. In this project, you are going to address one such kind of problem. Here you will work on improving the power factor with a suitable method. Again, an embedded system has a lot of application in industries. Whenever we are thinking about any programmable devices then the Embedded technology comes into the forefront. In this project, you will work on Automatic power factor correction of the system using microcontroller through shunt capacitor.
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Automatic power factor correction device reads power factor from line voltage and lines current by determining the delay in the arrival of the current signal with respect to the voltage signal from the function generator with high accuracy by using an internal timer. This time values are then calibrated as phase angle and corresponding power factor. Then the values are displayed in the 2X16 LCD modules. Then the motherboard calculates the compensation requirement and accordingly switches on different capacitor banks. This is developed by using a microcontroller.
Automatic power factor correction techniques can be applied to the industries, power systems and also households to make them stable and due to that the system becomes stable and efficiency of the system, as well as the apparatus, increases. The use of microcontroller reduces the costs.
Want to develop practical skills on Embedded Systems? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
Project Brief: After successful completion of this project, you can observe below developments,
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Arduino IDE Version 1.8.5: You will be needing Arduino IDE software for writing and uploading the program into the Arduino Uno board.
Programming language: Arduino programming language
Kit required to develop Automatic Power Factor Control Using Microcontroller Through Shunt Capacitor:Join 250,000+ students from 36+ countries & develop practical skills by building projects
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