The following projects are based on paper. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using paper.
Radio Controlled flying wing one type of elongated or extended wing aircraft having more surface area on wing creating more lift.There are no embellishments or fuselage, its lightweight and fairly easy to assemble of these aircraft are having Delta shape (triangular). Its a kind of delta wing Aircraft having high speed as compared to commercial aircraft. The lift and thrust forces are much more than normal aircraft. Basically, they are made fabricating one long piece of Wood/ Coroplast/ Polyforms.
We call this as ornithopter, means a mechanical flying machine which can mimic a bird up to 80% and Engineers are trying their best to make this bird most efficient. Basically, these are categorized by flapping wings flying machine which generate lift through the atmospheric air. This machine differs from a temporary power plant or limited ( temporary) power sources. The best application they can be used for Spying, surveillance, surface analysis.
What if I say that you can control your paper plane with your smartphone, that sounds crazy right! All the users have made or gone through the art of folding papers( Origami ) but it can fly up to few second or minutes only. Again your flight duration depends on the fabrication size and shape of your paper plane and a little knowledge of aerodynamics and shallow knowledge of aerodynamic forces acting on your model.
Sailplanes are aerodynamically streamlined and are capable of gaining altitude and remain airborne, while maintaining forward motion. The main advantage of the sailplane solar glider is to generate free energy from the sun. That's the difference between a normal glider and solar sailplane glider. By using this model you can increase the endurance of flight.
Drones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space. The advantage of Saucer shape is that is more aerodynamic as compared to other shapes and as it has only one rotor its quite difficult to fly.Due to is shape its having some angle 30 to 60 degree when the drone is parallel to ground. The use of solar here to increase the endurance of the flight by transferring power to the Rechargeable battery. Well, it's difficult to obtain the optimum amount of voltage and current (V= IR).
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Generally, scissors are used for simple paper cutting. It is a method which results in wastage of papers because of mistakes such as wrong dimensions etc., and also even a simple cutting may take a long time. Hydraulic machines are also available for paper cutting. But it is used only for heavy paper cutting & sheet metal cutting in large industries and its cost is very high. To resolve this problem, you are going to build a pneumatic system which will be rather easy to build but also work effectively during paper cutting.
A hammer is a tool or device that delivers a blow (a sudden impact) to an object. Most hammers are hand tools used to drive nails, fit parts, forge metal, and break apart objects. Hammers vary in shape, size, and structure, depending on their purposes. Hammering is the most widely used industrial as well as construction activity. The hammering of screws, metal sheets, metal parts etc. requires a lot of time and effort. So, to minimize the time and effort here you are going to build an automated hammering system.
Today the biggest problem we are facing in the electronics industry is the size of the battery as gadgets get thinner and smaller day by day.
Papercrete is a composite type of material which has been discovered recently but was an old concept. Papercrete consists of cement, sand, clay, paper pulp, and water.
Printmaking has been around for 500 years. It has being used for illustrating books, printing banknotes, and duplicating famous paintings. Today, printmaking is known for its distinct look and is used by artists around the world, but lots of people don’t have access to printmaking due to the high costs of a press.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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