Today the biggest problem we are facing in the electronics industry is the size of the battery as gadgets get thinner and smaller day by day.
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But as the world is evolving the size of batteries should get thinner and simpler to carry or use compared to lead cells and other approaches. To overcome this obstacle this technology is introduced which can revolutionize the electronics industry. A paper battery is a device which has the capability to act both as a capacitor and as well as a battery also. The safety issues of Li-Po, NiCad, and NiMH batteries are the reason this innovative technology was developed. Paper batteries are quite famous for their properties like they can be easily identified from the properties of cellulose like, excellent porosity, biodegradable, non-toxic, reusable, great tension strength, and low-shear strength and also since these are packed with carbon nanotubes so they also exhibit those properties also such as flexibility, high packing factor, lightness, and better electrical conductivity when compared with silicon and on top of all this they are thickness will vary from 0.5-0.8mm only. These batteries have actually proven beneficial when it comes to portability and size. Modern day electronics like digital watches have a requirement of thin batteries which are long lasting and non toxic in nature.
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So, for construction of a Paper Battery we will be requiring few components like:
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