The circuit Breakers one of the most essential part used in electrical system. The circuit breakers are plays an important in the field it prevents the fault switch and prevents the instruments from the sudden changes from on the line.
In Substation, Circuit breakers are used to switch the topology of the power system to accommodate various configuration for routing the loads. At the same time circuit breakers are used to isolate the fault area. The fault has to be rectifies by the line man of the substation. For that the engineer should turn of the main and to rectify the fault area. During the time someone is switched on the line pass through damage the instruments as well the engineer.
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So prevention based thinking why we can put the lock or password to between the main and circuit breaker?
You need the 8051 family microcontroller (i.e.AT89s52), Relays, Load, Power supply, Keypad. And You need to program like when the password is enter on the keypad controller checks it and the matched means on the main line should be connected to the load via the relay. So the corresponding engineer while working the fault area by using the keypad password to block the main supply, when fault is cleared the password entered matches the power is supply through the circuit breaker. It avoid the unwanted accident issues can be prevented.
These kind of prevention is implemented even industries, residual homes also.
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Project Brief: The Engineer first enter pass to shut the power to circuit breaker,then fault clear,reenter the password matched the power is applied through relay to the loads.
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