Do you think by using battery constrain you to run the technology anywhere in the world or in a solar system. Our drawback is battery we need some platform or power source for storage of power in the form of chemical energy. What if you are making your project without battery sounds crazy right! You don't need to store energy anywhere or neither you need to convert into another form. What happens when you use the battery you are converting in the chemical energy to store in battery and then again to are converting into electrical energy in that process you are losing some amount of energy in form of power. Usually batteries are made of terrible chemicals among very few are being recycled and finally, in the end, we have to dispose of them in the earth which might be very dangerous for humans in future
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2. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
3. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
This project what you are going to is made by a 16-year-old girl from Canada and she was a winner in Google Science Fair 2016. Humans are the great source to get energy in the form of heat. You are going to generate flashlight that runs on the heat of human hand alone. Our pam radiates more than half milliwatt per cm square of heat to glow a bright light from an LED. You need one Peltier tiles as a heat flow source. these devices are called a thermoelectric devices means if you will give heat at one end due to the temperature difference emf will be induced and electricity is generated.
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