Right now the most important and common thing for each and every one is Mobiles or Smartphones. But the problem we regularly face while using them is charging. So imagine there is a plug in the car which you can use it for charging mobile. The Power required for charging your mobile will be generated from the wheels. Does it sound new?? Yes, that’s true. Through this project, you are going to build a system where you can charge your mobile with the power generated from the motion of the wheels of your car.
Electrical Kit will be shipped to you and you can learn and build using tutorials. You can start for free today!
2. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
3. Solar & Smart Energy Systems
You will need a dynamo which will be arranged to the wheels in such a way that whenever the wheel rotates, the rotating head of the dynamo will be rotated and the power is generated. The generated power will be stored in the battery and from the battery, you are going to charge your mobile. You can also innovate the system in such a way that you can update the charging status and battery power status to the remote server which can be accessed from anywhere by including an Arduino and Wi-Fi Module.
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