
Ocean Electricity

There are different electricity sources and from them some cause high pollution to the environment and while others are free from pollution but the efficiency is very less. If there is no water in the dam then there is no electricity from the hydroelectric station.

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Ocean Electricity project Looking to build projects on Electrical?:

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3. Solar & Smart Energy Systems

4. Automatic Solar Tracker

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6. 4 Smart Energy Projects

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8. Smart Traffic Lighting System

9. Automation using PLC

If there is no wind energy and no electricity from windmill too and in the same way if there is no heat there is no geothermal energy. This project deals with production electricity using wave energy.

Wave energy is also a form of solar energy. The temperature differences are produced by the sun around the globe. This uneven heating cause winds these winds will blow around the world and over the ocean surface. These will cause ripples and will travel all over the world. These waves can travel thousand of miles without losing of the energy. Don’t confuse with the waves you see breaking on the beach. When a wave reaches shallow water (when the length of the wave is less than depth of the water) it tends to slow the motion of water. This causes the wave to slow down and it will grow in the height and at last breaks.

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A belt of semi submergible bodies called as Pelamis, are present in the belts of Indian and Pacific oceans. These Pelamis converts the wave energy to electrical energy. these will operate at the depths of 50m from the sea surface. These machines are connected by hinged joints as the waves passes from the machine, these move relative to each other. When wave motion touches these cylinders, these tends to moves and are resisted by the chain of them. These causes the oil present in the machines To and Fro motion which in turn rotates the electric generators and electricity is produced. 


Knowledge of Electric Engineering.

Knowledge of Fluid Mechanics.

Knowledge of Ocean and wave energy.


  • This energy is produced as zero waste energy where there is no pollution.
  • No raw materials are required for the production of electricity.
  • Renewable energy which can used all over the year.

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This project proves that the electricity can be generated from the sewage treated water which is being released freely into the seas and oceans, also we can generate this electricity without interruption as sewage is generated in tonnes daily in metropolitan cities and making this as renewable energy.

Kit required to develop Ocean Electricity:
Technologies you will learn by working on Ocean Electricity:
Ocean Electricity
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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