
All About Kinetic Footfall

The electrical energy or electricity plays a very important role in almost all industries. Especially in the housing sector, it is a necessary element in construction, completing and maintenance of a building.

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There are many sources are available to generate electricity. Few popular sources are Nuclear power, Hydropower, Solar energy, Fossil fuels, etc Some of these are expensive to extract electricity. And also, they largely contribute pollutants to environment pollution. We need a source to generate the electrical energy economically and it should not impact the environment. Kinetic footfall is a new source of electricity, which capture the energy from human footfall to generate electrical energy.

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About Kinetic Footfall:

Kinetic footfall is a sustainable energy source for generating electricity without consuming any natural resources. The purpose of kinetic footfall method is to generate efficient electrical energy using complex properties of materials and movement of humans. This source system will not contribute to any environment pollutions. The main advantage of this system is that it is cost effective and occupies the very less operational area for electricity generation.

This system will be best suited to crowded areas like large size stadiums, airports, railway stations, shopping malls and other high-density walking areas. Road pavements and footpaths are the most suitable energy floors to collect kinetic energy. In 2017, Pavegen, a UK-based technology company built a sidewalk in London using this kinetic footfall technology.

How it works:

  1. The concept of kinetic footfall based on the principle of piezoelectricity.
  2. When the material is compressed the atoms press together, enough to change the properties of electrons.
  3. When the pressure is removed the electrons return to their original shape.
  4. If the piezoelectric compounds are fitted with an auxiliary circuit then, the returning electrons will be captured and used to create a micro-circuit.
  5. The energy floor or footpath is constructed using this piezoelectric compounds to capture the electrons.
  6. When humans start to walk on this floor, the pressure developed on the floor.
  7. The pressure or kinetic energy will be collected by the piezoelectric compounds of the floor.
  8. Later, the energy floor converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy.

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Benefits of Kinetic Footfall:

  1. Emits no pollutants.
  2. Generate no hazardous waste because most of the materials can be recycled.
  3. Collection and storage of energy are simple and easy.
  4. Efficiency is more compared to conventional methods.
  5. Very durable.
  6. Easy to adapt or implement in any location.


The kinetic footfall is one of the best source for electricity generation without causing any harm to the environment. In the future, this system will become more popular than other conventional methods due to its wide range of applications.

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Kinetic Footfall
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-19

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