There are more than 2.5 billions cars in this 21 century which generates wind turbulence and air pollution up to certain percentage every year. We have all seen those creepy old wind mils on farms which are unable to generate electricity efficiently.
What if I say the same wind turbine which is responsible for huge windmills rotation is replaced by a small efficient traffic wind turbine which moves with the help of moving air through passing cars on highway.
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First of all, you need air filter sheet bent at some angle to make a turbine blade. Make two pieces in spital shape connect them with each other through a freely rotating shaft. Couple one end of the shaft with a dc generator and let another end to be free. Wire the DC generator which a rechargeable power source which can store a certain amount of power for a longer period of time.
Locate your Traffic wind turbine on Highway divider. When the car will pass car will Force turbine to rotate at variable RPM. This Process continues unless and until there is traffic on can generate free And green energy from your project
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