Papercrete is a composite type of material which has been discovered recently but was an old concept. Papercrete consists of cement, sand, clay, paper pulp, and water.
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Papercrete brick is an eco-friendly material which is low cost. The use of paper leads to recycling of waste paper which is dumped in the disposal site. The paper pulp is prepared by using any kind of papers like cardboard, newspaper, magazines, Xerox paper, etc. Since there is a large demand for new composite material, papercrete brick will make some impact in the growing construction field.
There are different types of Papercrete depending on the various constitutions, they are generally divided into three category that is fibrous concrete, Padope and Fidope. The fibrous concrete constitute cement, paper pulp and water, where cement acts as a binding material and have advantage of weighing less. Padope has earthen clay as a binding material and it does not contain cement keeping rest of the materials same. Fidope is also same except that the fibrous compounds used are like sawdust, coconut, glass etc.
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