Civil Engineering
Light transmitting concrete

The advancement in the technology has given us many types of concrete like plain cement concrete, high strength concrete and many other.
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But there are still advances in the building material where a concrete through which light can be passed is introduced.
This type of concrete is similar to the traditional concrete but this has only some special features like it permits light through it and provide a finer architectural look.
The light transparent concrete is also called as translucent concrete. This is a material made from concrete which can transmit light through it, which is possible due to the uniform insertion of optical fibers into the whole body
It is made of fine concrete embedded with4% by weight of optical glass fibers. The working principle of transparent concrete is based on Nano-optics.
Optical fiber properties
- The optical fibers which should be present in concrete should be placed directly on each other.
- The optical fibers which should be present should behave like silt and should allow light transmission through them.
- The optical fibers which should be present should have their fibers aligned in transparent concrete cube
- The optical fibers which should be present should be of flexible type and should be made of glass or plastic.
- The optical fibers which should be present should have the ability to transmit the light between two ends of the fiber
- The optical fibers which should be present should transmit light so effectively that there should be no loss of light through the fibers.
The methodology used in these project is total internal reflection.
Total Internal Reflection
- When a ray of light travels from a denser to a rarer medium such that the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, due to this the ray reflects back to the same medium. Which is called total internal reflection
- The optical fiber is used because it allows repeated process of total internal reflection until the ray of light emerges at the other end and this happens even, when the optical fiber is bent.
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- In the manufacturing process, the transparent concrete is prepared by pouring small layers of concrete in the mould and then infusing the fibers in it.
- Then the semi-automatic production processes are used, which uses the woven fibers and not by using single filaments.
- When the above process is completed, insertion of fabric and concrete into the moulds takes place, where they are placed at distances of 2 mm to 5mm.
Another method
- In these process the sides of the mould are punched with many holes. Then optical fibers are made to run such that it reaches to the other end from the first end.
- The concrete is poured is then poured in the mould.
- These reduce the permeability of concrete
- Resins seal the boundary of optical fibres and concrete
- The amount of optical fibers has seriously influences the compressible strength of the corresponding concrete
- The much number the optical fibersare, the smaller the compressi$e strength
AAC properties
- The compressive strength of AAC blocks are around 25-220 N/mm2
- The flexural strength of AAC blocks are around 7.7 N/mm2
- Fire protection
- Highest UV resistance
- Pavement illuminated by transparent concrete
- Sunlight passing through the transparent concrete wall
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- Transparent concrete blocks is suitable for Floors
- Transparent concrete blocks is suitable for load-bearing walls
- In furniture for the decorative and aesthetic purpose
- Lighting indoor fire escapes
AAC projects
- The Europe gate
- Cella Septichora
- New headquarters of bank of georgia
Kit required to develop Light transmitting concrete:
Technologies you will learn by working on Light transmitting concrete:
Light transmitting concrete
Skyfi Labs
2019-08-09 •
Last Updated: