The requirements of construction materials are increasing day by day due to the continued infrastructural growth. Because of this large quantity of waste is also generated every year. Waste generated from the aluminium industries like aluminium hydroxide and many more wastes are generated from the industries while processing the raw materials.
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These wastes generated from the industries creates serious problems. Disposal of this waste requires huge space and also pollutes the environment. So, these materials can be used in a proper way to lessen the pollution to the environment.
Aluminium hydroxide is added as a stabilizer in cement and as a flocculating agent in soil. It is also used as fire-retardant as it is sensitive to the moisture content variations. Granite processing industries generate waste in the form of a slurry. From this slurry granite powder following components are obtained, SiO2, CaO and even it possesses cementitious properties. So, by using these materials we can produce cement stabilized masonry interlocking blocks.
Studies can be made to know the optimum mix proportion soil, aluminium hydroxide, granite powder, and cement to attain a good strength.
Cement, fine and coarse aggregate.
Knowledge of mix design
Knowledge of interlocking design
Collection of by-products (aluminium hydroxide and granite powder)
Project Implementation:
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The use and study of these waste materials in the construction will be cost-effective and also will exhibit some extra properties over the native cement/concrete mixes. These interlocking blocks can be molded in the desired shape and size according to our project requirements.
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