Concrete is considered the world’s most used construction material. Typical concrete mixtures are comprised of water, sand, cement and an aggregate of rock. This civil project focuses on the coarse aggregate in concrete. Here you will replace the coarse aggregate by burn brick or Jhama brick and you will study the effect of salient parameters that affect the properties of Jhama class brick based concrete. You will also study the short-term mechanical and physical properties of fresh and hardened Jhama class brick based concrete.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Jhama bricks are chosen because of their availability. The burn brick is available from brick manufacturing area. Also, in brick-making, a large number of bricks are rejected due to nonconformity with the required specifications. One such major nonconformity is the distorted form of brick produced due to the uneven temperature control in the kiln. These rejected bricks can also be a potential source of coarse aggregate. This project would not only make good use of the waste material but would also help alleviate disposal problems.
This project will present the effects of Jhama Class Brick inclusion on the mechanical properties of the concrete matrix in wet and hardened state properties. For checking mechanical properties of Jhama Class Brick use bat-based concrete partially replacement Jhama class brick to coarse aggregate ratios 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% in M40 grade of concrete.
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Project Brief: After successful completion of the project, you can observe that, the properties of prepared concrete are comparatively equal to the properties of concrete made up of coarse aggregate.
Minitab: You can use this software for plotting and comparing your result data.
Kit required to develop Coarse Aggregates Replacement with Jhamma Bricks(Concrete Prep):Join 250,000+ students from 36+ countries & develop practical skills by building projects
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