The evolution in the technology has created many advantages, especially where high rise buildings of any height can be built but it requires more steel.
Thus, the demand for steel is rising and the construction cost of the structure is also not in control. To make it control a new technology called U-Boot Beton technology is used.
This emerging technology uses environmental friendly recycled polypropylene, that reduces the thickness and weight of the slab.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
It is light, quick and easy to position, thanks to the modularity. The designer can vary the geometric parameters as needed to adapt for all situations with great architectural freedom.
It is used to create slabs with long spans that support large loads without beams.
It is light in weight, easily produced and very easy to place on the slab in the required location.
These are designed such that any shape of the slab can be decided without any architectural design problem.
Real-time applications
There are many real-time applications of this technology. It is widely used in the construction of buildings, parking structures, and raft foundation with less number of labors.
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