In this era, development of infrastructure such as roadway, bridges, various buildings etc. are increasing exponentially. Due to insufficient quantity of useful land and strength of soil, engineers improve the soil properties like bulk density, strength etc. by adopting different techniques. In areas of loose deposits, ground improvement is required to check the required performance.
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Railways are one of the oldest means of transportation and had been in use till date. Axle loads, Speed & Traffic density during that time was lower compared to now in use, so it is necessary to focus on improving it. Addition of increased factor, they have to cross over existing soft deposits of soil as a part of the existing alignment system.
In order to achieve high efficiency of the rail system, post-construction settlement of the subsoil must be checked and attention should be given on that and the most important point to keep in mind is the factor of safety of the structure against slip failure.
One of the methods of ground improvement technique is to reinforce the soil with steel, fibers, fiberglass, geotextiles etc. A various mechanical method such as Vibro compaction, vibro replacement, ground freezing, grouted stone columns, dry soil mixing. Among all Geocell technique is recently developed.
Geocell: It is like a confinement box and are in shape of the honeycomb and made with high-density polyethylene strips and are expanded on site. It has wide scope in the improvement of soil parameters like controlling the erosion of soil in steel slope construction, improving stability to the base of railway tracks that prevent failure of ballast.
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