Global warming is leading to a rise in sea surface temperatures which led to an increase in sea levels. Many people live by the sea and are dependent on it for their livelihood.
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The intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) projected a likely sea level rise of 28-43cm this century. Impact of rising sea levels not only risks small island states. But also the important world cities vulnerable to rising sea levels are Kolkata, Mumbai, Dhaka, Miami, Jakarta, Tokyo, Bangkok, Shanghai, and many more. Most of these cities lie below sea level. As sea level is higher at most places the water has no way to go other than flooding the land.
One of the solutions to this is not building barriers to protect it but regulate it and make big water basins out of it. Nice urban development can be created on the water and at the same time creating a buffer at rainy times is important. The only limitation for the development is that it has to float otherwise the basins cannot have a buffer action. So floating construction is one of the solutions that will be adopted.
Basic principles for implementation
As the water level climbs the floating structure itself can move up if necessary. Construction of this type is the future for the delta regions of the world, the ones which face the greatest danger.
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Concepts of the environmental design process:
The technical knowledge we have got in our engineering college should be kept into full use not only for standard building projects but also for creating new possibilities and designs which results in innovative engineering.
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