There are many different types of concrete in the world. Each of the them are having added advantages and disadvantages when compared to each other.
For example, if concrete is made from the sulphate-resisting cement then it is good in resisting concrete from sulphate attacks but will not be good in strength as compared normal or traditional concrete.
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Different concretes are been developed in the world for different purposes. Some of them are used under water some of them for rapid hardening, some of them in Ready mix concrete etc… one of them is this reactive concrete. This was first developed by P.Richard and in the early 1990’s. this RPC is prepared by replacing the ordinary concrete with quartz powder, silica fume. It has very high strength and also ductility. The compressive strength may vary from 250-810 Mpa.
Reactive concrete will have very fine powders such as sand, quartz, steel fibres, super plasticizer and cement. The quantities used are generally as follows: OPC – 1000, Water -18, Fine sand – 500, Silica Fume – 230, Quartz powder -390, Super plasticizer – 18, Steel fibers – 630 all the weights are in kg per cubic metre. And this mix give approximate strength of 800Mpa.
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Knowledge of concrete technology.
Knowledge of Mix Design.
Quartz Powder
Silica Fume
Steel Fibers
Super Plasticizers
Test apparatus for the concrete (concrete lab can be used)
Project Implementation:
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Software Requirements:
This project is still in development stage and do more improvisation by adding or removing the materials used in it. If you want to make something new or learn something new regarding the concrete technology then you can do this project and experience it yourself.
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