The sluice gates are used to control water flow in canals. Gates are raised or lowered manually and then lift in position to achieve a target flow rate for the desired time period.
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The old conventional techniques and methods in the irrigation system are the biggest stakes for not achieving the high efficient results. There is a great need for advanced technologies like automated flow regulation system to obtain the desired outcomes within a short time. In this system, an appropriate control scheme is developed to automate the gate system for discharging the water from the canal.
The automated gate system is developed using automatic level control gates (Robogates) and ultrasonic water level sensors. A typical automated flow regulation system consists of 4 robo-gates installed in the canal at the downstream side and 9 sensors to monitor the water level. The sensors are installed at the downstream side, the upstream side and head tank for water level monitoring. The robo-gates are adjusted such that to supply a certain amount of water in particular areas.
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How it works:
Automated flow regulation is a useful system to enable precise water delivery. It also the best choice to reduce the overall cost of the irrigation project.
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