This project is idea that is brought by Justin Eric Sutton. The Hydrogen super high way is mainly depended on the hydrogen and water. Hydrogen can be obtained by the basic method which can produce electricity when the sunlight is striking the Electro photo Voltaic panels (EPV).
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These panels are used to convert distilled water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen liberated from this process can be bottled and sold to medical and industrial at cheap rate.
This hydrogen can be stored in the compressed form in cooling tanks nearby the traveller systems in utility centres. the hydrogen fuel cell technology is used to produce the electricity from the hydrogen. This electricity produced from the hydrogen can be used by utility centres and rest can be transferred to domestic houses.
This hydrogen can be used for the travel purpose too. MAGLEV vehicles of this purpose are proposed by the Mr. Sutton. These vehicles can travel at a speed of 250 miles for hour and the vibration free. These are magnetically induced and the vehicles will fly few centimetres off the MAGLEV track. By this we can save the fossil fuels and also decrease the travel time.
Knowledge of Magnetic Energy.
Knowledge of Physics
Knowledge of Electrical Engineering.
Magnets (circular and rectangular shape)
Project Implementation:
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In this project we just levitate by using the principles of the magnetic fields. The application of this levitation can be used further and used in the transportation system so that the fossil fuels like petroleum and diesel can be save and also it reduces the time and electricity that is consumed by the trains for travelling at that high rate of speed.
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