Just like other construction materials soil has its own scientific analysis with regards to its abilities in dealing with forces. Soil is one of the most complex materials in civil engineering to the point that when it comes to the factor of safety in designing structures like foundations, or soil-based constructions.
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We know that when it comes to designing in soil, the uncertainty is very high because it involves many risks and various factors to be considered in the soil analysis because even a small mistake results in higher design values and it leads to failure of the structure.
In this project, the attempt is to use biopolymers to improve the soil properties. The biopolymers used here are Xanthan gum and guar gum which are friendly to the environment and used as additives for soil stabilization
Expansive clay: It is a clay soil that shows large volume changes that directly depends on the change in water content. The more the amount of expansive mineral in the soil leads to more cracks in dry seasons. This behavior is attributed to the presence of a clay mineral called montmorillonite.
Expansive soil covers more than twenty percentage geographical area of India
Soil stabilization is a method of changing the properties of natural soil such that it satisfies the design requirements.
Mainly our project is to strengthen the expansive soil using stabilizer which is environmental friendly and easily available.
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Methods of soil stabilization
Needs and Advantages
Various materials used for soil stabilization
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2) Guar Gum
Xanthan gum is preferable when compared to the other two because it forms the hydrogen bonds which is considered as the strongest bond that may be the reason for binding the soil particles by producing cementious property.
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