Water is the most precious natural resource among all the natural resources found on Earth. During the previous few decades, there has been an unprecedented increase in the need for potable water supply. This is due to a tremendous increase in population, industrialization, urbanization, and intense agricultural activities. Due to unplanned urbanization and rapid industrialization, this rich resource has reached a point of crisis. Due to insufficient availability of surface water which is being subjected to pollution due to urbanization, and industrialization, and also due to the thought that groundwater is pollution-free, the majority of the population in India depends on groundwater for drinking and household, industrial, and agricultural uses.
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8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Some activities polluting groundwater are:
More than 2.2 million people die each year from diseases related to contaminated drinking water and poor sanitation. So, it is important to assess the quality of the groundwater before using it for its relevant use.
Knowledge of environmental engineering.
Knowledge of Water Sampling Techniques to collect water samples from the water resources and we must know how to collect the water from resources without disturbing the native quality of water samples.
Knowledge of performing the experiments. Indian Standard code 3025 deals with different procedures for the performing of a different experiment. There is a total of 63 parts and each part of IS 3025 in which every part deal with a different element. IS 10500 is the codebook which contains the limiting and permissible values of all the parameters present in the drinking water.
Engineering chemistry laboratory or Environmental Engineering laboratory will be needed to perform experiments.
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Project Implementation:
Software requirements:
Water is one of the main sources without which the world cannot run and it is the responsibility of us to stop it from being polluted and if polluted taking the measures to control it.
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