Groundwater is one of the major water source available on our planet. But with the presence of many contaminants, the percentage of pure groundwater availability is decreasing day by day.
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World Health Organization (WHO) reduce the permissible limit of arsenic from 0.05mg/l to 0.01mg/l. The serious health effects caused by the presence of arsenic led the WHO to take this precautionary measure. Coagulation is a common process to treat industrial and domestic wastewater in order to remove the suspended particles from the water.
Coagulation is a chemical water treatment technique typically applied between sedimentation and filtration stages to improve the efficiency of the treatment process. Coagulation is a process used to neutralize the pollutant charges by forming the floc (gelatinous mass). The floc trap all the particles thus forms a mass large enough to settle or trapped in the filter. Aluminum chloride, ferric chloride, aluminum sulfate, bentonite clay are few coagulants used in the coagulation process.
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Project Implementation:
With this wide range of applications coagulation technique proven to be the effective treatment process for the removal of arsenic from groundwater.
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