Increase in population increases the number of vehicles and because of that both air and noise pollution are increased. Not only from the traffic but noise pollution is also produced from industries and also usage of many mechanical and electrical appliances has created this heavy dosage noise pollution.
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This noise produced from different kinds of machines can be reduced by controlling the noise generating factors or by using the noise proofing materials. This helps in reducing the side effects caused by noise pollution
Noise pollution causes many problems to humans and also to the structures, machines, etc… due to the energy of the acoustic wave the eardrum of humans gets damage, microcracks may occur on the machines and structures, and also very dangerous for people with heart-diseases.
Conventionally, this acoustic wave is controlled with the help of expensive materials such as polymer foams, glass wool and fabric filler these polymer fillers may also pose a threat to the environment. There are also limitations due to the usage of the glass as soundproofing materials as it is brittle and can break anytime without prior notification. So, as an alternative, we are using this agro-based waste such as rice husk and bamboo for absorbing the noise. Where rice husk is a waste product from the paddy fields and bamboo is abundantly available in the tropical areas of the climate.
Knowledge of Sound energy.
Rice straw.
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Project Implementation:
This project is to make the usage of the rice husk and bamboo as noise absorbing materials as they are available abundantly in the environment and cheaper than other traditional methods.
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