The current development in technology has introduced us many building materials, so that the construction process goes in an ease. But due to demand of high rise buildings, the weight of the building is rising due to use of traditional constructional materials like bricks for wall construction and hence the cost of construction is going on increasing and hence some new building materials should be introduced such that the dead load on the building should be reduced.
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Hence the introduction of autoclaved aerated concrete(AAC) was done, which uses fine aggregates, cement, and an expansion agent which causes the made mixture to be like freshly prepared bread dough.
This is a special type of concrete which contains 80 percent air and hence which makes to float in water even having great strength.
When this type of concrete is produced, then it is molded and cut into specified units. These are then joined with thin mortar bed.
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We can conclude that usage of aerated blocks in construction is very helpful in reducing the dead loads on building and these cannot be used under snow conditions due to its light weight, hence study can be carried out to overcome the disadvantages. Hence usage of aerated blocks should be promoted.
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