The ground improvement techniques are generally made at the places where the soil conditions are very ill. These techniques which are used to increase the performance of the soil are called soil stabilization techniques or soil improvement techniques.
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These methods make the soil high in strength and give stiffness to the soil despots. Currently available methods for the improving of the soil are broadly divided into four types:
Stone columns is also been as a technique for improving the soil strength and decreasing the compressibility. It is used in both cohesive and non-cohesive soils. This method can improvise the by reinforcement, densification and drainage functions.
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Out of many methods used out there for increasing the soft clay, stone column is most suitable one. This technique is economical and makes the construction faster if the soils are having less safe bearing capacity. In this technique we place vertical columns of the coarse aggregate which is more compacted in nature through the soil which is meant to be improvised.
Knowledge of Geotechnical engineering.
Knowledge of Concrete Technology.
Test the parameters for the soil
Project Implementation:
Software Requirements:
This project is used to increase the soil strength which is a live project and this can also be improvised by changing the type of aggregate that is been used. Modifications can also be done and can check for the improvements of the projects. People interested in doing masters in the stream of Geo technical Engineering can do or improve this project and will be helpful for them.
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