In today’s world, post-tensioned members are playing a vital role in the construction industry. Due to its wide range of applications, post-tensioned members
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About Post-tensioned foundation slab:
Post-tensioned slabs are typically flat slabs for that reason they are best suited for the construction of foundation slab. A post-tensioned foundation is a slab foundation that is reinforced with stranded steel cables that are tensioned after the concrete hardens. The post-tensioning increases the yield bending moment of the slab and offers a lesser extent to stiffness. Due to this application, cracking during bending will be minimized.
Post-tensioned foundation slabs are suitable for the locations having poor soil conditions. Compared to the conventional concrete foundation slabs, post-tensioned slabs are economical and requires less quantity of materials for the construction. Post-tensioned foundation slabs can be used for the longer spans. Which can also be used to counteract the deflections.
Construction of post-tensioned foundation slab:
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Advantages of Post-tensioning:
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