Water is the main source that runs the world. Water is used in almost every industry for production, servicing and so on. As a result of this, a heavy volume of water is being extracted and used. Then it is discharged in the form of effluent.
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If this effluent is treated properly and released as usable water. It will have a good impact on the environment.
But due to high rates that are incurred in the treatment of the effluent makes the industries to release them directly into the rivers without treating them that pollutes both the ground and water. One of the major properties of the water that affects the quality is colour. Potable water must be colourless and If the coloured water is used for irrigation that makes the crops not suitable to eat.
Colour removal from this used water is being a matter of concern for both health point of view and aesthetic sense. Especially the water that is being released from the textile industries must be given much attention due to its visibility and potential toxicity problems. So, there is a great need for some innovative process that removes the synthetic residues from the water. However, there are some methods to remove the dye from the water but, the effectiveness of removal of colour from wastewater is the judging factor and the search for effective removal is still going on.
We can use the teak leaves and banana trunk for this propose. Activated carbon is generated from the chemical activation of teak leaves and banana trunk.
Teak leaves (Tectonagrandis).
Banana Trunk (Musa).
Methylene blue bye
Nitric acid
Orthophosphoric Acid
Hot air oven
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Project Implementation:
By neutralizing the colour of the water. It can be used for agricultural lands, washing, etc… and the generated waste is burned in the presence of oxygen thus it reduces the waste.
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