In order to enhance infrastructure projects, large civil engineering projects are executed in India. Due to space constraints and time limits infrastructure facilities have to often build on site where the soil conditions are not ideal. This is where the geotechnical engineer plays a critical role in improving the soil conditions. The method of ground improvement adopted depends upon the nature of strata and the purpose of improvement. Under different improvement techniques, ground improvement using stone columns offers a proven and economical solution. In this project, you are going to make a stone column with different composition to know which composition gives more strength to the soil.
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Stone columns have been used as a technique for improving both cohesive soils and silty sands to increase strength and decrease compressibility. Stone columns can improve a soil deposit by densification, reinforcement and drainage functions. Out of several techniques available for improving soft clay, stone columns are ideally suited for structures with widespread loads. In case of soil having medium to low safe bearing capacity, ground improvement with the help of stone columns has been found economical and faster in construction. The main aim of soil improvement is to increase the shear strength, loading capacity, stability and settlement control.
An improvement in the bearing and reduction in settlement of soft deposit can be affected by the installation of stone columns. The method consists of forming vertical holes in the ground when being filled with compact crushed stone, gravel, and sand or a mixture of soil improvement occurs in two ways,
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Main advantages of using stone column are, Increased strength to improve stability, reduced deformation due to distortion or compressibility of the soil mass, Reduced susceptibility to liquefaction, the reduced natural variability of soils, to make it more economical, Settlement reduction, to increase the load bearing capacity.
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Project Brief: After successful completion of the project, you can observe the following things,
Minitab: You can use this software for plotting and comparing your result data.
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