Excavation involves the removal of a layer of soil beneath the topsoil. Excavation is done for footings, dams or any other construction projects so its importance is high and understanding properties of soil after excavation is very useful. Excavation requires supporting if depth is more than 6m such as diaphragm walls with struts, anchors or tie backs. This process becomes more complicated in heavy constructions like dam construction we know that diaphragm wall helps to eliminate seepage flow below the dam in order to minimize the water loss and it increases the stability of dam.
Civil Engineering Kit will be shipped to you and you can learn and build using tutorials. You can start for free today!
1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
The robot that you build as a part of this project can be controlled using your mobile phone with DTMF technology. Essentially, one mobile phone will be connected to the 8051 microcontrollers and will be placed with the robot itself. This particular mobile phone mounted onto the robot will receive the commands from another phone which the user will have at a remote location. The wireless camera mounted on the robot will stream the video live to the user’s desktop and the motion of the robot will be controlled using the buttons of the phone keypad.
Finite Element Method: In finite element method, soil structure is assumed to be divided into a large number of finite elements. These elements are interconnected at joints called as nodal points or nodes. Simple functions are chosen to approximate the actual displacement over each finite element. These functions are called displacement functions or displacement models. The unknowns involved in this function are nothing but the displacement at the nodal points. Hence, the final solution will yield the approximate displacement at discrete locations in the body at nodes. For problem-solving, the better approach is to use finite element methods, which compute stress and strain distribution. These methods are particularly useful for the analysis of slope stability when it is subject to various types of loading or when it has complex geometry.
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Who should do this project?
If you are interested in geotechnical engineering and want to get more knowledge on soil behavior and their properties, then you should do this project to increase your knowledge database
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