Nowadays it is very hard to find drinking water which is free from bacterias and viruses and hence drinking these type of water reflects the human health.
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The advancement in water purifying methods are growing day by day because the need for water is growing, but are unable to find the best methods which satisfies the requirement of drinking water.
Hence after research it is found that the fluoride in water can be removed more efficiently by using iron oxide and hydroxide Nano particles.
The fluorides permissible range of water is 1 to 1.5 mg/L for its beneficial use for teeth and bones but due to prolonged conditions when it is 4 to 10 mg/L it has adverse effects on the body and may lead to cause many diseases.
Experimental details:
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Production of iron oxide-hydroxide Nano-particles:
The experiment was successfully performed by using ion selective method and the results were analyzed for different samples.
It showed that use of iron oxide and hydroxide Nano particles were to attain the required fluoride content in the water and this method hence found to be effective. Further analysis of this experiment can be carried and more relevant materials can be discovered.
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