The disposal of waste materials is always been a major problem for environmental engineers. Solid waste has the most adverse effect on the environment compared to liquid waste.
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Composite concrete is a new and advanced concept which became more popular in the construction industry in recent times. High strength, easy to work and low cost are the few reasons for the popularity of composite concrete. There are many types of admixtures or materials available such as fly-ash, rice husk, natural wood resins, silica fume. Among all these admixtures or materials solid waste is the easily available material at no cost.
The generation of solid waste has been increasing at a much faster rate due to the increase in population, a number of industries, urbanization, etc…. The disposal process of solid waste is difficult and expensive. Using solid waste incineration ash as the admixture is the best way to overcome these problems. The solid waste replaces the maximum cement content in concrete thereby environmental effects due to cement can also be reduced.
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Solid waste incineration ash using as an admixture is the best method to improve the compressive strength of concrete in an economical way.
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