In today's world, renewable and sustainable energy is becoming the most important thing to focus. There are many reasons for this concern like to reduce environmental pollution, energy saving, finding an alternative source for electricity generation, etc...
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About Photovoltaic Glazing system:
Building integrated photovoltaic glazing (BIPV) is a system which helps the buildings to generate their own electricity. By transforming the whole building into a solar panel. Photovoltaic glazing system not only produce electricity they also part of the building. In this system, a transparent photovoltaic glass act as a structural building material. In many developed countries, photovoltaic glazing system has been using widely.
The main aim of this system is to increase energy efficiency to meet building’s energy demand. Windows, skylights, and facade shelves can be designed to receive more daylight energy. BIPV systems are plan during the architectural design stage. And added during the initial construction phase. With the availability of new technologies, a BIPV system can on existing buildings. BIPV system also contributes to developing net-zero energy buildings.
Different types of building integrated photovoltaic glazing systems are available in markets. They grouped into two categories.
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How it works:
Benefits: -
Photovoltaic glazing system is the best technology to generate electricity with low-cost. In the future, BIVP system will play a promising role in electrical energy generation.
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